Travelling the world is what I love to do

My life is a collection of hobbies and passions on a day to day basis. Maybe it sounds kind of cheesy to say so, but honestly: there is not much in my life I have to do that I dislike. Sure everybody gets up some days and doesn’t feel like doing anything, but you know what they say:

Where motivation ends, discipline kicks in

As much as I love my work in the gym, online etc. Every person needs vacations. Don’t believe all the marketing talk about ‘never stopping & going hard 24/7/365’. There’s people doing that, but they probably won’t get very old and most of them never come of as genuinely happy. If succes & money is all you can talk about, you still live in a very small world. I work on my goals everyday, I like to think I work hard, but there’s also time for fun and quality time with my loved ones. Work smarter, instead of harder.

Vacations is where I recharge and feel like a new and better version of myself everytime I come back home. It gives me new insights, motivation and the energy to kick ass again.

The bottomline is: travelling, trying new types of food, seeing cool shit, it’s super fun! It gives you time to reflect on past experiences and learn from that. With my wife @pialucienna by my side I feel like superman. Just like I did in this picture at Horseshoe Bend. Incredible views and a place I’d recommend you to go see.

Just my 2c,


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